Planetary conversations


Uranus: "Moon, I am home honey! I brought a bunch of friends to watch the game! Marie, John, Jim, Richard, Juliette (his new girlfriend) and Sebastian!"

Moon: "Oh! Welcome! Please go make yourself comfortable in the living room... I will bring some beer. Is beer good? I will prepare sandwiches. I also have juice and soda."

Friends go in living room.

Moon to Uranus:"This is a bit unexpected Uranus. You could have send me a text. Luckily I am prepared. By the way, your mom called and she worries about you."

Uranus: "Have you seen my Canadian sweatshirt?"

Moon:" In your sports drawer. Did you hear what I just said?"

Uranus: "Thanks Moon. Juliette does not drink beer."

Moon:" Your mom called, we had a long talk. She worries about you and has me worried too. I will bring juice for Juliette."

Uranus:"Thanks Moon. Did my mom called?"


Mercury to Moon: "Why are you so sad today?"

Moon: : "I don't know, I feel Full today."

Mercury: "Did you eat too much?"

Moon: "Full of emotions"

Mercury:"Come, let's go for a walk to change your mind, let's go visit the neighbours"...

Moon: "Go by yourself, I don't feel sociable and really to Full to walk"

Mercury:" Well, ok, I will go read a book then.."

Do you want to learn more about the planets?


Jupiter to Saturn:" Don't sweat the small stuff, get over it, have a little food"

Saturn" It really bugs me, I have to work and solve this problem; not time to eat.."

Jupiter: " Ok, wow I just won 100$ on a scratch ticket!!"

Saturn: "...."

Jupiter: " Ahaha, I am going out, you sure you don't want to come, I buy you dinner"

Saturn:" No, I have to work and I am watching my weight"

Jupiter: "Yes, I did gain a few pounds lately..ok, see you later..."


Saturn in Pisces...


Bienfaits de la Violette sauvage et de l'aloe vera