In 1984, I was introduced to astrology in a reading, and from then on began studying it on a daily basis. When I started traveling and lived in Japan, astrology helped me tremendously to cope and understand the various psychological changes and emotions I was experiencing. Being alone in a foreign country sometimes intensifies the introvert in yourself.

I bought my first astrological book in London in 1985 and later began giving consultations in Tokyo, then Cape Cod, New York and eventually Montreal. In 1992, I began writing an astrological column in the Provincetown Magazine and giving readings at Far Side of the Wind. Teddy, the owner, encouraged me greatly in pursuing the spiritual path; she was a great mentor and I was allowed to devour most of her library.

Giving readings for people from all paths taught me much and strengthened my beliefs in my intuitive source, realizing how much as human beings we get disconnected from our most inherent essence. We live in a world where we often have to behave in ways that go against our deepest beliefs and well-being. Astrology offers us a map, a trail to where and how we can find and accept some parts of ourselves that seem elusive. Understanding and acknowledging the why's and the how's can bring insights and revelations; in the end we are the master and the chief of our own destiny. Astrology can instruct us on our strengths, capitalize on our talents and understand where we sell ourselves short. 💗

Why astrology? Astrology is a science analyzing the positions of the stars and their influence on us, as individuals. Ayurvedic medicine used the stars long ago for some diagnostics and to determine some pathological decisions. Paracelsus, a XVth century physician was a fervent student of astrology as well as botany, and it helped him to make diagnostics and determine humors or temperaments.
Nowadays, these techniques and planetary associations are no longer used but the results are still very interesting. Astrology can help to find and determine our strengths and weaknesses, on a physical level as well as on an emotional or psychological one, our potentials, or other areas where we hit our head constantly against the wall; our life path or the best time to make certain decisions.

Pourquoi l'astrologie? L'astrologie est une science utilisant l'analyse de la position des astres et leur influence sur nous, en tant qu'individus. La médecine ayurvédique a utilisé longuement les astres pour ses diagnostics et conseils pathologiques. Paracelsus, un médecin du XVe siècle a beaucoup étudié les astres dans ses diagnostics et détermina les humeurs...De nos jours, ces techniques et associations planétaires ne sont plus utilisées mais les résultats sont tout de même intéressants. L'astrologie permet de cibler et viser nos forces et faiblesses, autant au niveau physique qu'émotionnel ou psychologique, ainsi que nos potentiels, ou au contraire les endroits ou nous nous butons la tête à répétition; notre leçon de vie ou les meilleurs temps pour effectuer certaines décisions..

Sometimes we need to pause and reflect

And look for spiritual messages, that can come to us in synchronicity, confirmation and/or consultation

Never doubt your intuitive messages or insights

  • Astrology can strongly verify what you know, how you feel, that it be your challenges or strengths

  • Astrological transits can provide opportunities for change, transformation, release and understanding what the challenges are about

  • Once you know more clearly what is needed to be addressed, you can be more efficient and focussed in your efforts

  • Astrology offers the understanding of spiritual forces as well as concrete/physical ones

  • It also allows you to take advantage of windows of opportunities


60 minutes astrological consultation 125$

A general astrological chart reading explaining the natal major aspects and/or the important transits for the year. This comes with a couple of pages of handwritten notes.

Une consultation générale de la carte expliquant les aspects majeurs natals mais surtout les transits importants pour l’année. Et j’offre toujours quelques notes écrites à la main.

90 minutes astrological consultation 160$

Going more in depth in your natal chart and transits with handwritten notes mailed to you.

Natal chart/Transits, Solar return, progressed, vocational, relocation or composite questions. Hand written notes sent by slow mail (from 5-7 pages). *A deposit of 50% is required when ordering the chart

Carte natale/Transits, retour solaire, progressions, relocation ou carte composite. Notes écrites envoyées par la poste (de 5-7 pages). *Un dépôt de 50% est requis lors de la commande

  • Using mystical teaching, your Moon treasures, gem therapy, personalized acupressure and much much more.

These appointments can be extended on a more regular basis, as needed.. The price is for 3 sessions, and then 95$ for any astrological or other 1-1 session of 1 hour follow up.

J’offre un service de mentorat personnalisé, selon vous besoin de 3 à 4 semaines, en utilisant votre carte du ciel, vos transits, votre design humain et autres outils variés.

De quelle façon cela peut m’aider?

  • Si vous êtes à la croisée des chemins et avez besoin de conseils impartiaux sur votre carrière

  • Lorsque vous avez besoin d’un changement ou si vous vous sentez bloqué énergétiquement

  • Quand la vie vous pousse dans des directions inconnues

  • J’utilise des enseignements mystiques, les trésors de la Lune, la gemmotherapie, mon rituel Aroma Intuition, des Essences Florales et autres, des points d’acupression ou de réflexologie personalisés et plus encore..

Private Coaching/Enseignement privé 375$

At the Helm of Yourself /Naviguer vers ton X

This series offers 3 meetings of 60 min, by zoom or in person, that permits to dig, analyze your theme, your needs, your planetary profile and strengths, talents, Human Design and more…

I use various tools to help support and strengthen, as well as naturopathic profiling and acupressure.

What can it help me with?

  • If you are feeling at a crossroad and need some impartial advice regarding career

  • When you need a shift or if you feel blocked energetically

  • When life pushes you in unknown directions